
  • Developing Quality Technical Information
    테크니컬 라이팅 2014. 2. 17. 10:38

    부제가 A Handbook for Writers and Editors이다. IBM Press가 2004 년에 발간했다. 기술 글쓰기에 대한 많은 책들이 막연한 지침들을 제공하는데 반해, 이 책이 구체적인 지침들을 예들과 함께 제시하여 기술 작가들에게 유용하고 실질적인 도움을 준다.


    내가 이 구절들에 밑줄을 쳤다.

    In fact, a very important part of the writing process isn't writing at all, but preparing to write.

    How can you develop information once and then get maximum reuse from it? One way is to make the unit of reuse small enough to work in several places and yet large enough to have meaning. ... The unit that is probably most useful is a topic.

    Organize information into discrete topics by type. ... Most technical information falls into one of three types: task, concept, or reference.

    A real task is a task that users want to perform, regardless of whether they are using your product to do it. Tasks that are imposed by the product are artificial tasks.

    Be careful not to mislead users by using pseudo-task headings. Pseudo-task headings start with vague verbs, such as "understanding" and "learning".

    Use technical terms only if they are necessary and appropriate. ... Do you intend to use a term only once or twice? If so, you might be able to use a descriptive phrase instead.

    Avoid illustrating what is already visible. ... If users can see the window in the product, why reproduce it? If they must compare the captured window with the actual window, their attention is divided. Adding captured windows increases the use of computer memory and storage, the number of pages, and the overall cost.

    차례를 훑어보는 것만으로도 도움이 된다.


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