Fads in tech writing테크니컬 라이팅 2015. 7. 22. 17:07
I have seen fads in tech writing come and go, and I am more than half convinced XML is one of them. The more I study it, the more it looks like a solution in search of a problem. I've worked in large and small companies, and I can tell you right now it is NOT an appropriate solution for a small outfit. The time required upfront is too much to ask a small company to invest. And if you're a large company, with a lot of legacy material to convert -- holy moly, you need someone full-time just to slice and dice your material, chunk it and fit it into the Procrustean bed that is XML and DITA. So if you're just starting out and want a job at Oracle or Cisco, by all means learn XML but be prepared for it to become obsolete in a few years. Don't hang your entire career on it. If you've been around awhile, don't tear your hair out if you don't know XML or DITA. Your other skills will more than compensate.
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